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Fort Pierce, FL 34946
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This Week at the Cottages

Week of 5/25/2018

It has been a very wet week with more coming this weekend, but the freedom we enjoy we can always fish in the rain or go inside and watch a movie or a golf match with our loved ones, we are truly blessed to be free, many thanks to those who came before us, Happy Memorial Day Weekend Ft Pierce..

Boating Forecast : Saturday 3-5 ft winds SE 10-15 knots dominate period 4 seconds, Sunday 5-7ft south winds 20-25 knots


Inshore - Trout and Redfish are all around the mangroves on incoming tide north of North Bridge and Kings Isle/harbor branch area with live greenies being the bait of choice / the inlet is producing snook and some snapper on incoming tide / outgoing is cleaning up taylor creek runoff.

Offshore -1st stop is Daves Live Bait in the inlet then run and gun around the grass Thursday it was in 110-140ft straight out the inlet and put4 nice 20-34lbs in the boat, the snapper are biting triples at 70-85 ft south of the inlet- but reel quick or you come home with 9 heads and 5 fish..


Saturday - Ft Pierce Farmers Market Downtown 8:00am - 12:00pm Food, Music, Arts and Crafts

Saturday - FT Pierce's own Pierced Ciderworks grand opening - 1-4pm at 411 2nd street $ 15.00 to try a lot of local brews and their ciders

Saturday - A Memorial Day Celebration at Treasure Cost Indian Motorcycles at 8401 SE US 1

From noon-4pm BBQ and giveaways

Saturday , Sunday,Monday - Earls Fest at Earls Hideaway with live music @pm-midnight Saturday and Sunday and Monday 2-6pm

And Most Importantly..

Monday at 10am at Veterans Memorial Park their will be a tribute to all of our boys that never came home from their service to our country so we may be free, remember the reason for the holiday…

Remember be safe out there this weekend, watch out for each other on the water.

Have a great Weekend…  Robert and Kimberly Pruitt