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This week at the Cottages

Week of June 1, 2017

The heat is here, but as soon as we hit the water with that breeze in your face there is nowhere else to be. The Seas have been slack, the current slow, and the weather great. Its that time of year school just let out and its time to spend some time with the kids on the water to show them all the great things to do around the water we live on.

Boating Forecast: Seas 2-3 with a dominate period of 9 seconds South to Southwest winds 5-10 knots - watch out for the storms this weekend coming from the west - that's where Port is…


Inshore - Tarpon are here!! Terry and his group caught 5 on Wednesday slow trolling 8 inch mirror lures, Thursday and Friday good catches of redfish shallow at early am on live bait by the mangroves and the trout bite just before daylight in the grass has been very productive on topwater lures.

Offshore - Bottom fishing has been very good for grouper and snapper, several nice dolphin were brought in from 120/140 ft all on live bait- the grass is where its at… Several boats came in with Cobia from the bouys in 60 ft.



Friday - Friday Fest  Downtown Ft Pierce 5:30-9:30pm Live Music, Food and Vendors

Saturday - Ft Pierce Farmers Market Downtown 8:00am - 12:00pm Food, Music, Arts and Crafts

Saturday - World Ocean Day at the Ft Pierce Aquarium 10am-3pm Behind the scene tours and a lot of activities based around the water we live on

Sunday - Indian Riverside Park in Jensen Beach Amphitheater on the Water 4-7pm Free Admin Food/Music on the water..what more could you want

Have a great Weekend…  Robert and Kimberly Pruitt



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