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This Week at the Cottages

Week of December 8,2017

This week has been extremely nice with highs in the upper 70's and the water has been calm in the lagoon and seas 3-5ft, the fish have been biting well with the approach of the cold front boats coming in with a vast mix of good catches. The front will come thru Saturday and Sunday should produce some good offshore fishing. See you Saturday night at the Ft Pierce Boat Parade…

Boating Forecast : North West 15-20 knots seas 4 to 6 ft

Reports:Inshore - Trout and redfish have been active around St Lucie Village on shrimp at daylight and topwater plugs have been exciting just as the sun comes up ( makes your hair stand up if your not ready) The snapper are along the channel edges fishing chicken rigs with shrimp, the snook have been on the large side fishing the inlet on incoming tide around Dockside and Manatee. Spanish Macks and blues are attacking schools at first light and are loving a silver or gold spoon.We saw some large pompano this week caught by Harbor Branch on the edges of the channel.

Offshore - The bottom bite has been good the end of this week as the current slacked, lots of snapper mainly lanes - triggerfish, and a few grouper in 80 -120 ft of water. Mahi have been in 140-180 ft north of the Inlet going to where the color changes trolling long, Sails should show better numbers Sunday - if its windy and cold they are happy


Friday / Saturday - Beach Town Music Festival in Vero Beach Hours Friday 3:30 - 11pm and Saturday 1:15 - 11pm Tickets range from $ 49 to $ 99

Saturday - Ft Pierce Farmers Market Downtown 8am - 12pm Food, Music, Arts and Crafts

Saturday - Ft Pierce Boat Parade 6:30 - 9pm Starts at Taylor Creek Marina up the inlet and ends at City Marina

Sunday - St Lucie County Toy Run 8am at Treasure Coast Polaris - ride starts at 11am and will be a 30 mile police escort ride ending at PAL Center in Ft Pierce - Cost is $ 10.00 + 1 unopened toy - Come Ride for the Kids…


Have a great Weekend…  Robert and Kimberly Pruitt

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