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Fort Pierce, FL 34946
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This week

Weekend of February 22, 2019

Another weekend of 80's and sure to be plenty of boats on the water, be nice at the ramps and watch out for each other and lend a hand, lets all enjoy another great treasure coast weekend…

Boating Forecast : Fri SE 5-10 knots, seas 2-3ft, Sat SE 10-15 knots, seas 3-4 ft dominate period of 5 seconds, Sun South 10-15 knots, seas 3-4 ft


Inshore - Big bluefish, macks,sheepshead,snapper,black drum are all in good numbers in the lagoon around structure and biting best at the tide turn. The beaches are still producing good pompano and whiting on clam strips early.

Offshore - If your not filling up the cooler on snapper your not fishing in 70-100 ft, a few mahi on the small weed patches with the runners in 120-150ft, saw some nice sail catches north of the inlet.

If you don't have time to catch your own you can arrange to get fresh seafood from the Gulf every Saturday at the Wal Mart parking lot in Ft Pierce at 1:30pm and you can call ahead and place an order 352-897-5001 tell him the cottages sent you.


Friday thru March 3 - St Lucie County Fair - Rodeo 22-23, Demo Derby March 2 -

Saturday around 10am - The Cracker Cowboys complete their yearly ride from across the state on horseback cracking their whips in Downtown Ft Pierce like they used to back in the day to take their cattle to Punta Rossa to ship to Havana- Come help welcome them back home

Saturday - Ft Pierce Farmers Market with food, music and crafts 8am - noon

Saturday - St Lucie Mets vs Atlanta at 2st Data Field Port St Lucie at 1:10pm


Have a great Weekend…  Robert and Kimberly Pruitt

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